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Friday 25 October 2013

3 Ways to Transform Your Life

Through the continual coaching I do with my clients and from my never ending research and learning, I have noticed that there are 3 simple things that happier, more focussed and successful individuals do differently to otheres:
  1. Stop trying to please other people - As we grow up, we are conditioned to please others – mum/dad/siblings/teachers etc. This kind of programming becomes engrained and displays itself in our adult thoughts, actions habits and behaviours.  Take a look at the things that you are doing right now – are you doing them because you want to, or to please someone else? 
  2. Stop comparing yourself to others - Have you ever heard of the ‘Iceberg’ model, where what we see from a person’s outward appearance is only a fraction of what is going on underneath? Whilst other’s lives might look idyllic, we rarely know what’s really going on.  We all have our own paths to follow and lessons to learn – by comparing ourselves to others, we are often comparing ourselves to what we ‘think’ we see rather than what’s really going on.  Be your own person and focus on your own journey rather than what others are doing.
  3. Stop looking for permission - If you’re always looking for permission from others before doing something, maybe it’s time to stop.  So many people stop themselves from doing things that they’d love to do because they are constantly looking for validation.  Here’s the thing ... you don’t need anyone’s permission ... JFDI – ‘Just Flippin Do It’ and take control of your life NOW!

If you want to transform an area of your life or business or you simply require some clarity around your goals, why don't you call me now for a free, no obligation chat about how I can help you, because your life can be how you want it to be!

Monday 7 October 2013

How to Cope with Redundancy – Part 2

In the last post I discussed the change curve and how important it is to be able to evaluate at what stage in the ‘grief’ process you are in.  By understanding each of the stages, we know that each one is only temporary and that we can move through it as quickly or slowly as we want to.  In essence, the more positive things we do to plan and get in to action, the likelihood that we move more quickly through the stages.

So, besides knowing what the stages are, what else can we do to help ourselves?


Talk to people, it’s really important that we discuss our emotions and how we’re feeling rather than let things build up.  There is no stigma attached to redundancy these days, in fact, if you haven’t gone at least once in your career to date, then you’re very lucky!  Bottling things up will not help, so you such try and use the support network around you.  It can be difficult when you’re trying to not let your worries affect your family, but it is important that you can talk about things and make decisions together.

Don’t put your head in the sand

If you are worried about your finances, don’t stick your head in the sand, talk to someone about it.  Your bank will be happy to talk to you and find ways to help you – as will credit card companies and mortgage lenders.  Don’t leave things until they consume you – the earliest you can speak to these people if you think there may be a problem, then the easier it will be for them to help you and for you to sleep well.

There are also other government agencies out there that are set up specifically to help people in financial difficulty.  Here are some websites which are full of information that may be useful – Citizens Advice Bureau will also be happy to have a free, face to face meeting with you to discuss your needs:

Exercise and eat well

When we’re feeling stressed we often neglect our eating, opting to eat quick, convenience food or we turn to comfort food.  However, this is the exact time when we should be looking after ourselves, and eating correctly to give us the energy both mentally and physically to deal effectively with what’s happening to us.  If our energy levels are low because we haven’t been feeding our bodies with vital energy giving foods, then we’re less likely to be in a fit state to be able to take effective action or to think positively.

Exercise also plays an important part as it releases endorphins (the feel good hormone) which is proven to reduce stress and make us feel better.  Whilst we are going through difficult times, we tend to release a lot of adrenalin due to experiencing ‘fight or flight’ – that adrenalin, unless used up through exercise, can build up in our bodies and lead to more stress and feelings of anxiety. 

It’s very easy for these two things, eating well and exercise, to be the first things to go when we are feeling stress, however, through my experience; those people who have looked after themselves during stressful periods are the ones that move through the emotional stages much more quickly.
Sleep well
Our sleep can often be distrupted during such life changes, however, getting a good night's sleep is so important.  I've written posts around how to sleep well, so I'm not going to go over it again here.  You the posts here:
Sleep Well - Part 1           

Sleep Well - Part 2            
I also highly recommend Andrew Johnson's MP3s and Apps to help with relaxation and sleep (as well as a whole host of other things).  I use them and I often recommend them to my clients.  You can visit Andrew's website by clicking here.

In the next post in this series, I’ll talk about where to look for your dream job.  Until then, if you are experiencing a difficult period in your life, why not contact me for a free, no obligation chat about how I can help you?
