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Tuesday 18 September 2012

The Law of Attraction - An Overview

Although an avid devote of the Law of Attraction for many years, I haven’t chosen to write about it thus far.  But as I keep proving that it works over and over again for mef and because I still keep coming across people who haven’t heard about it, I thought it was a topic that it would be remise of me not to cover.

For most people, the extent of their knowledge about the Law of Attraction is either zero or what they’ve read in Rhonda Byrne’s fabulous books ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Power’ and the film ‘The Secret’.  If you haven’t read them, then they are probably the 2 books that I recommend people begin with when they first start to explore ‘Attraction’ as a concept and I’ve lost count of the number of these books I’ve bought for people who I think they would benefit.  However, whilst these two books are really good, they really are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to studying the subject and boy have I studied it.  I think it’s a shame that most people stop their studying there and think these books are the ultimate when it comes to the Law of Attraction because they’re missing so much good stuff.

I think must have  read the majority of books out there on the subject right from the earliest New Thought Authors who began writing about this back at the turn of the century, writers like ‘Wallace Wattles’ (The Science of Getting Rich, the Science of Being Great and the Science of Being Well) Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich – you can get your free copy of this classic by signing up to my newsletter – click here) though to modern day experts like Eckhart Tolle, Joe Vitale, Tony Robins, Dr Wayne W Dyer and Joseph Murphy, to name but a few.

So for the uninitiated, what is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is a principle that I’ve mentioned many times but not actually referred to as the ‘Law of Attraction’ and in very basic terms:

“We get what we think about/thoughts become things”

The more negative thoughts we have, the more negative thoughts come to us and the more positive thoughts we have the more positive thoughts come and it doesn’t end there (you’ve heard my say this a million times).  According to the  Law of Attraction, the more negative things we think about, the more negative things (people, situations) we actually attract into our lives, equally the more positive things we think about, the more positive things we attract into our lives.

This can be a bit hard to comprehend when you’re first starting to grips with this concept, because in effect what it’s saying is that the life you have right now, both the good and the bad bits, have been created by you through your thoughts and emotions. 

Now, if you life is great when fabulous!  However, if your life is not so great it can be hard to hear that you’re responsible for what you’ve got through your thoughts, emotions and actions.  Now, what I’d like to add to this is something that I found really important with Dr Wayne Dyer’s brilliant book ‘The Power of Intent’ - you must not beat yourself up if you find your life ‘lacking’ in any way, because when you attracted that situation/person/problem into your life, you weren’t aware of the law of attraction, so you didn’t know that you’re thoughts and emotions where attracting negative situations to appear in your life.  However, you know now and the sooner you can change your thoughts from negative to positive, the quicker your life will change for the better. 

This ‘law’ is an accepted fact by Quantum Physicists, so don’t think I’ve gone completely mad!   So how does it work?  Well, we are electrical beings, we are made up of electricity.  If you look at any part of our internal or external body through a powerful microscope you’ll see that we aren’t solid at all but a constant moving mass.  Same goes for our thoughts – they are electricity.  When we have a thought, it actually produces an electrical impulse in the brain (which is incredibly easy to measure in a lab) and the interesting part is that negative and positive thoughts have different wavelengths.  When we have a thought, positive or negative, it sends an electrical impulse out from our bodies and attracts back other thoughts, situations people etc that are on the same wavelength we are transmitting.

By the law of attraction, what we put out, we must get back, without exception so put out positive, get back positive and vice versa and it doesn’t stop at just receiving back the same type of thoughts.  You can actually attract what you want into your life.  I’ve got to be truthful, when I first read this I did think it was a load of rubbish, however, the more I’ve studied it over the years and practised it, the more I know that it’s true.


Here’s a little exercise (this works every time for me without exception and I use it daily)

The next time you are going somewhere and you think there may be an issue with parking, either before you set out or as you get into the car, visualise a car parking space exactly where you want one.  Ask for it (you don’t have to say anything out loud, you can ask for it silently) and remember to say thank you – then let that thought go.  You’ll find that when you arrive at your destination either the space you imagined will be waiting for you or will become available within a minute or so.

I kid you not.  It’s uncanny.  Give it a go, after all, when have you got to lose?

There is so much I could write about regarding the Law of Attraction, like I say, there are so many books on it so it’s difficult to cover it all in one post, however, I will discuss other aspects that I think may be of benefit in subsequent posts.  As always, please feel free to comment below or mail me if you have a question or something that you require help with.  Until next time, have a fabulous week.


Sunday 2 September 2012

EFT - Dealing with Anxiety

Taking a break from the job hunting theme of the last few posts, I wanted to share something with you that you may not have come across before and from your feedback about other posts I've done I know that some of you will benefit immensely from. 

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or ‘Tapping’ is becoming increasingly popular in the self development/self help world because it can be used to quickly and easily alleviate and remove the blocks and help release the negative thoughts and feelings that hold us back from achieving our full potential. 

EFT is based on the discovery that imbalances in the body's energy system have profound effects on your personal psychology (kind of in the same way that acupuncture works). Correcting these imbalances, which is done by tapping on certain body locations, often leads to rapid remedies.

You need to suspend any scepticism and give it a go.  I was very sceptical despite my chosen profession, but every time I try EFT myself I always notice a huge positive change in my feelings, thoughts and emotions.  My clients have also reported the same.  Some have told me that they’ve experienced massive positive changes in their emotions especially when they are experiencing more severe negative emotions such as anxiety or fear/panic.

I originally got hold of an e-book written by Gary Craig who ‘invented’ EFT or at least brought it to the fore in the self development world, but that seemed a bit complicated so I searched YouTube to see if I could find a video on it.  Low and behold, I found loads and I’ve tested quite a few out but find that Brad Yates seems to be the best by far.  He has literally dozens of videos based on different subjects/common issues that people have which last between 5 and 15 minutes each.

I do have to stress that when you choose which ‘issue’ you want to tap on; don’t be surprised if it brings up some negative emotions that you weren’t even aware that you had and you may find yourself getting quite upset (not always, but I think it's important to point out).  Its part of the EFT process and is extremely normal and as you work through those emotions with the tapping and repeating what Brad says, those intense emotions will soon dissolve.  Honestly, it really is amazing, just stick with it.

My advice is to rate the intensity of the emotion you are feeling from 1-10 (10 being as strong as it gets) and then rate the feeling again after you’ve done the tapping.  If after the tapping the emotions is more still more than 4, go through the tapping again.

A very small selection of the topics that Brad taps on that I and my clients have found most useful are:

·         Anxiety

·         Fear and panic

·         What Other People Think

·         Trauma and Abuse

·         Clearing Resistance (to literally anything, you alter the wording to suit you)

·         Allowing Money

·         Exercise motivation

·         Positive Expectation

·         Clearing Guilt and Shame

Here’s just one of his videos and I know this one works particularly well for if you're experiencing anxiety.  When you get that tight 'flight or fight' feeling in your chest or stomach that makes it hard to breathe this is a particularly good exercise to completely remove those awful feelings.  As I said, it looks really odd, but give it a go and if you find it helps, search for his other videos on YouTube.  Do what Brad does and repeat the words after him.  You can substitute or add your own words about the particular issue you are feeling anxious about.  That helps even more.


I’d love it if you could let me know how you get on if you decide to give it a go.  Just click the comment box below and leave me a message.  I'll continue to scatter Brad's videos through different posts as I feel appropriate as I'm sure that will help a great many of you.

Have a wonderful week.
