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Thursday 19 April 2012

Be the Weight You Want - Part 5

Well I’ve had lots of feedback regarding my weight loss programme, 'Be the Weight You Want.  Just to explain how I came to know about it and write about it ... as part of the training I underwent in order to gain my NLP Master Practitioner qualification, one full day was spent learning, understanding and being able to deliver this weight loss programme.  There is more to the full programme, however, this is a blog and not a book and therefore I have included all the fundamentals you need to make a start and see a difference. 

If you are really interested in this programme and would like to take it to the next level, I suggest that you read Paul McKenna’s “I can make you thin” which is pretty much exactly the same programme with lots of exercises and additional information that you would find very useful.  Alternatively, if you would like personal coaching on this programme, then please do not hesitate to contact me.  My contact details are on the left hand side of this blog.

Following your feedback, I thought it may be useful to answer some of the questions I’ve had.  So without further ado...

I don’t think it’s as simple as that

As long as you don’t have any underlying medical issues that affect your weight eg thyroid or medication which has weight gain side effects, then it is as simple as that.  However, like anything in life, not everything is for everyone.  All I can say is that this method has been proven to work for 70% of the people who try it as opposed to 9% who try traditional dieting.

If you are worried about the programme in any way, then I suggest that you discuss it first with your doctor.  However, I reiterate ... IT ISN’T A DIET ... it’s a change to the way you eat and view food.
How much can I expect to lose?

This isn’t a quick fix – it’s a life change and therefore, the amount you lose per week will differ depending on your starting weight.  On average, you should lose around 2 lbs per week.  That’s a healthy, sustainable weight loss as recommended by health professionals.

What if I ‘fall off the wagon’ and have a binge?

Don’t worry and don’t beat yourself up.  This will undoubtedly happen as your subconscious is adjusting to your new way of eating.  You may simple ‘forget’ to apply the rules and before you notice it, you’ve already woofed down an entire meal or absentmindedly eaten a full packet of biscuits.  If this happens, just start again.  Wait until you’re hungry (use the hunger scale for reference) and then start your conscious eating again.

What do I do if I go out for a meal in a restaurant?

You order exactly what you want, but eat it consciously - YOU DON’T HAVE TO CLEAR YOUR PLATE!  Put your knife and fork down between each mouthful and consciously chew your food.  When you notice that full feeling, stop.  Don’t let yourself get to 9/10 on the hunger scale.  There’s no shortage of food.  You’re not starving yourself ever again, so you don’t need to binge anymore.  If you get hungry when you get home ... have something to eat!

Not clearing your plate seems to be the thing that people are struggling with the most.  If you’re at home, you can do the things I suggested eg use a smaller plate however, when you’re in a restaurant it can be a bit more difficult and it will need a bit more self control to do it.  But the more you practice it, the more you’ll get used to it and it will get much easier.  The alternative is to ask the waiter for another plate and transfer some of the food to the other plate so that you’re not tempted to binge on it.

How often should I weigh myself?

You should only weigh yourself every 2 weeks.  Quite often, people may not lose weight in the first week as their body adjusts to its new routine.  As I keep saying, this is a change in lifestyle, not a diet and weighing yourself everyday can be quite demoralising.  There are lots of things that can affect our weight from day to day or even hour to hour and therefore, weighing yourself every two weeks will give a better reading of your true weight. 

If you have any more questions that you’d like me to help you with regarding this programme, please do not hesitate to contact me.

In my next post, I’ll be discussing dynamic goal setting and why many of us fail to reach the goals we set.  Until then, have a wonderful day.



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