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Tuesday 15 April 2014

7 Habits of People Who Don’t Worry

Sadly, worry seems to be an ever increasing emotion that I’m seeing more and more.  Clients often say, “I can’t sleep, I’m such a worrier ...” “I worry about everything and I just can’t seem to stop”.  As a result, I decided to look into it a bit deeper to see what it is that non-worriers do that worriers don’t.  Here are a few of the observations that I’ve made:

1.   They Focus on the present

The future hasn’t happened yet and as our brains cannot tell the difference between something that’s real and something that’s vividly imagined, we can relive our worst fears over and over again without them actually ever happening!  Focussing on the present and actions you can take rather than worst case scenarios will help you gain control over the actual situation rather than your vividly imagined one.

2.   They are more willing to take chances

What would you be, do or have if you didn’t worry?  People who don’t worry are free to take more chances because they don’t feel anxious about the outcome.  They have enough faith in their own abilities to know that whatever happens, things will always work out as they are supposed to.

3.   They have a sense of perspective

Because they aren’t projecting into the future, they are firmly in the now and are therefore able to see a situation for what it is, not what they imagine it to be.  Taking this stance is empowering and enables them to make better decisions based on what’s actually happening rather than what they imagine will happen ... often two very different things.

4.   They get to the root of the worry

They don’t brew over things, they look at problems in a calm and level headed way.  They find the cause and deal with it in the most effective way possible as quickly as possible, thereby potentially heading off problems before they occur or at the very least, minimising the impact.

5.   They have confidence that they can handle anything that comes their way

They learn by their mistakes, look at what they’ve been through in their past and know that they can handle anything.  It’s not that non worriers have fewer problems; they just have a better strategy for dealing with them.  Think back in your life, I’m sure that you’ve overcome some major difficulties and that’s just it, you overcame them and no amount of worrying probably made one bit of difference to the outcome.   

6.   They ask the right questions

They ask empowering, enabling questions rather than disempowering weak ones.  They ask questions like, “How can I use this” “What do I need to do to resolve this” “How can I ensure this doesn’t happen again” “What do I need to learn from this”.  I’ve spoken at length in other posts about the importance of asking the right questions click here for more information.

7.   They know how to manage their negative emotions

Non worriers know that if a negative emotion surfaces, it means that there’s something that needs to be dealt with and dealt with quickly.  They rarely let negative emotions settle and overpower them.  They know how to manage their emotions, think clearly and get out of any negativity as quickly as possible by asking the right questions and taking positive action.

Are you a worrier, or know someone who is?  Life does not have to be like that; you can take control of your emotions and lead a much healthier and happier life.  For more information contact me at info@whatnextconsultancy.co.uk for a free no obligation chat about how I can help.

Stop worrying and start living now!


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