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Friday 4 May 2012

Take Decisive Action

Today I wanted to share with you a fantastic message that I received from Steve Chandler. Steve is a transformative coach, self help guru and author that I’ve mentioned before. He is the originator of Club Fearless www.clubfearless.net and is a wonderful source of information ... here goes:

The worried mind wakes up in the morning and projects worst-case scenarios into the future.

And, as it has been proven....to the chagrin of pharmaceutical companies whose new drugs have to perform "against placebo" and often don't ... the placebo effect (the effect of thoughts on the body) is really, really real. Really.

Thoughts of fear, dread and the worst future I can picture have me ready to NOT ACT. Or, as my friend and the coach Dusan told a room full of people last week, when he was asked what to do when you are afraid ... take DECISIVE ACTION and your fear won't matter. Take that action enough times and your fear won't exist anymore.

But most people want to get rid of the fear first. I love what Michael Neill (a friend of Steve’s, who is another Transformative Coach, Self Help Guru and author - www.geniuscatalyst.com) writes in his recent book, Supercoach:

"Courageousness is the first truly attractive emotion in that it accepts the possibility that things might not 'work out' but drives you on anyway. 'Screw it', courageousness declares, 'Let's do it.'"

There’s a book I read recently that goes along the same lines (I highly recommend it – it’s funny but actually has a fantastic message) it’s called “F**k it: The Ultimate Spiritual Way” by John Parkin and works on the premise that you ignore the excuses that your inner voice is telling you about why you shouldn’t do something and you ignore whatever everyone else’s opinion about what you want to do and do it anyway.  It’s actually quite liberating!  Parkin says that it is the perfect western expression of the eastern ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don't matter so much (if at all).

What have you been procrastinating about lately?  What can you say “Screw it, let’s do it” to?  Whatever it is, take some inspired action TODAY! Whatever it is, just DO IT and stop thinking and feeling about it – you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve when you just let go!

Have a wonderful day.


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