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Thursday 3 May 2012

The Goal Process

In order to achieve your goals, you first need to identify the goal and test if there are any blockers to that goal (see my previous post).  Once you’ve identified the goal and worked through the blockers you need to put a plan into place in order to help you achieve that goal.

A basic diagram that explains the goal setting process is:

  1. Firstly, you need to put a timeline to when you want to achieve your goal.  If you don’t put a date to it, chances are it will never get done.  Make sure that the timescales are achievable – not too long that you lose interest and not to short that there isn’t enough time to do everything you need to in order to achieve it.
  2. Identify the steps or the actions you need to take in order to achieve that goal.  Literally, list every action you need to take, in sequence in order to reach the goal.  If that seems a little overwhelming, break each step down into smaller steps – mini projects if you like – each one to be completed before you move on to the next .  The beauty of ‘mini projects’ is that you are never ‘failing’ to reach your goal, you are always working towards it. 
  3. Action the very first thing on your list NOW! Don’t wait.  Do it today ... now.  According to one of the world’s leaving coaches, Anthony Robins, “you should never leave the scene of setting a goal without taking some action” Action creates momentum and sets of a chain reaction to you achieving your goal.

Stick closely to your list.  Review it regularly, adjusting and adding where necessary and crossing off items that you’ve completed.  ‘What get’s written down gets done’ so having a plan and sticking to it is the key to you achieving your goals.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  If you don’t want people to know what your end goal is, you don’t need to tell them!  In fact, many coaches advise that you don’t tell people everything about your goal therefore you won’t be tempted to listen to other views on why you shouldn’t want that and how you aren’t going to achieve it.  They also won’t get the opportunity to put doubts into your mind!

What I’ve given here is obviously a very brief outline of how to set goals.  There are lots of books on goal setting; however, I would definitely recommend Anthony Robins, 'Awaken the Giant Within' and Michael Neill’s ‘Supercoach’ as further reading.  Alternatively, please drop me a line if you’d like to discuss setting and achieving your goals further.

Until next time, have a wonderful day.



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