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Friday 27 July 2012

Healing through Self-Hypnosis

I have something that I wanted to share with you that’s actually quite personal but I hope that by telling you about it, I may be able to help others in a similar situation.

Just before Christmas 2011, my father was diagnosed as having prostate cancer.  Obviously we were devastated at the time.  We knew nothing about it then and just hearing the ‘C’ word sent us into a spin.  The hospital told my dad that they didn’t want to operate at that point, but would continue to monitor him on a 3 month basis and gave him an appointment to return to the hospital for further blood tests at the end of March 2012.

I knew my dad was more upset about the diagnosis than he was admitting, and the only thing I could think of to help was to download a couple of Andrew Johnson’s wonderful self hypnosis MP3s for him to listen to.  I’m a big fan of Andrew, his Apps and MP3 downloads really do what they say on the tin and for my dad, I thought that if nothing else they would help him to relax a bit more.  The MP3s I downloaded for him where ‘Healing’ and ‘Positivity’ and I bought him a little portable CD player to play them on.

My dad started to listen to them quite often and he said that he really did feel more positive and less stressed as a result.  He was really optimistic that the results from his next hospital appointment would reflect how he was feeling.  However, when he got the results from his next set of tests, he was shocked to find out that his blood count had gone up (we were all convinced that with all the positive thinking that it would have gone down).  It knocked my dad for the rest of that day, however, the next day he resolved to be even more positive and to listen to the CDs at least 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and before bed) which he stuck to religiously from that day forward.

Today, my dad has had his next 3 month check up at the hospital and I’m pleased to say that his blood count has gone down considerably.  The nurse asked him how he was finding the medication and if he was happy with it, he replied, “What medication?  I haven’t had any.  I’ve just been listening to CDs my daughter gave me”.  Apparently, he should have been taking medication (although the hospital neglected to give it to him) and the nurse attributed the drop in his blood count to the medication – she was amazed when he told her that medication had nothing to do with it, but listening to Andrew’s self hypnosis had.

In addition to this fantastic news, my dad has also suffered from very high blood pressure for years (he takes medication for it but it’s always remained high).  Last week he went to the doctors for a check up and she told him that his blood pressure had gone down from 140 (where it’s been for the last 5 years) to 127.  The doctor was amazed and asked him what he’d been doing to get his blood pressure so low and in the ‘healthy’ category.  My dad proudly told her that he was listening to self hypnosis CDs!  

When you ask my dad how he’s feeling now, I’m pleased to say that he’ll tell you that he’s never felt so well and so positive and has never slept so soundly as he has since he’s been listening to those CDs.

Andrew has a range of Apps (available from the App Store in ITunes) or as MP3 downloads from his website (http://www.withandrewjohnson.com/ ) including:


Stress Free


Get Fit

Lose Weight


Don’t Panic

Stop Smoking

Move On


.... plus more.

I can’t recommend them highly enough.  With sustained listening, you can really make a positive difference to your life and they aren’t expensive (but worth every penny).

Until next time, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I know I will after the good news I’ve received today!


PS In case you were wondering, Andrew hasn’t sponsored this in any way and I’m sure there are other good self hypnosis Apps/CDs out there.  I just wanted to share because I have proof that they work and I thought some of you may find this information helpful.

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